Thursday, October 29, 2009

2 More Days Until Nanowrimo!

Only two more days until nanowrimo!  I'm excited to start writing.  The ideas in my head are beginning to play out as to how I want the story to unfold.

I can't start writing yet, but I thought I'd share more of the synopsis:

Have you ever had just a really bad day?  Who hasn't?  How about a week?  Maybe a year?  Everything just seems to be going wrong.  Then you get that one event that just pushes every thing over the edge?  Kinda makes you wish those Calgon commercials were indeed real enough to make everything go away with just a quick bubble bath!  But alas, it's only a dream.

What if you just simply ran away?  Can't really do that because...well, where would you go?  You can only run so far before you have to stop - and that's when everything catches up and slams into you.

What if you just go all Armageddon on everyone around you until you're the sole survivor in your own little world.  Nah.  I can't "love" myself as much as I can with someone else.

What if you could just forget it all?  Act like it never happened.  Just - Ctrl+x that part out of your life.  Now there's an idea.  You could just - forget it all.  But maybe that wouldn't work either.  I mean, you can't just "forget" stuff for no reason.  You need an excuse.  Schizophrenia?  Too Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde like.  Go completely crazy?  Too Vincent Price like.  *bing* Amnesia!  Fake your own amnesia and just forget however far back you'd want to!  Everyone would have sympathy for you.  You'd get to forget about any and every thing bad that has happened to you.  Sounds nice.

Ah, but there's always a catch.  Unfortunately, forgetting the bad means you must also forget the good.  Are you willing to pay that price?

Don't miss my nanowrimo month when I take that very scenario and question and turn it into a comedy novella!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Get ready for Nanowrimo!


Greetings, and welcome to the my live novella: Selective Memory.  This is a project in participation with nanowrimo.  If you're unfamiliar with nanowrimo, you can check it out here.  Nanowrimo is a website dedicated to National Writers Month - November.  Every November, nanowrimo hosts a contest: write a 50,000 word novella in one month.  The rules are that you don't start writing anything until the 1st of November.  The idea is to start with something fresh and new, however, it's hard not to think about something you want to write about.  Even as I registered on the site, I was already drumming up ideas on what I'd write about.  You write at least 50,000 words in your novella, upload it, and nanowrimo does the rest.  They'll officially count your words and you get ranked.  If you win, the only prize you get is the satisfaction in completing such a task.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm an artist first.  Drawing, airbrushing, painting - whatever.  But I also like to write.  So, I've given my idea a home that I can share as I'm updating my nanowrimo.

Why here and not the actual nanowrimo site?  Because in order for you to see all my musings and make comments, you'd have to become members.

My novella will be titled: Selective Memory.  I don't have the entire story laid out just yet, but the premise of the story is about a man who fakes his own amnesia in order to try and forget about his own misfortunes.  This comedy will have some not-for-children language, so I take no responsibility for the corruption of your children should they read this.  I will start the first segment on November 1st (hopefully...tentatively...maybe).  I hope to post each day or at least every few days.  Each post will be the next segment in my novella.  What you will read here is what I'll be submitting to nanowrimo.

So, please feel free to read along and comment.